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2024 Presidential Candidates

Tracking the 2024 Presidential Candidates

Candidates Emerge in Crowded Field

After the Super Tuesday primary races, the Republican presidential field has narrowed to just two contenders: incumbent businessman Donald Trump and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. On the Democratic side, a diverse field of candidates is competing for the nomination, including former Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, and Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota.

Polls Show Tight Race

According to recent polls, the Republican race remains extremely close, with Trump and Haley neck-and-neck. The Democratic primary is also competitive, with Biden holding a narrow lead over Sanders, Warren, and Klobuchar. However, the race is still fluid, and anything could happen in the remaining months of the primary season.

Key Issues and Debates

The candidates are competing fiercely on a range of issues, including healthcare, immigration, and the economy. The Republican primary has been particularly contentious, with Trump and Haley sparring over trade policy, immigration, and foreign affairs. The Democratic debates have been more focused on policy, with the candidates debating the merits of single-payer healthcare, free college tuition, and a wealth tax.

As the primary season ramps up, all eyes will be on the candidates as they make their case to voters and try to secure the nomination of their party.
